A Day in The Life of Margaret Phillips

Kelly Pingeton, Portrait of Maggie Phillips in her senior year of high school, 2018, All rights reserved.

I am a Freshman at UMKC. One day, we were told we had to interview someone who was different than ourself. The difference could be several different things including race, religion, etc. I instantly thought about my friend Margaret, who I call Maggie. We are very close, however, she is different than me in many ways. I chose Maggie not only because she is my friend, but because I admire everything about her. She is easily one of the strongest people I know, despite not being what everyone expects her to be. During our interview, I asked Maggie to tell a little bit about herself, “My name is Margaret Phillips [gestures toward self] and I was adopted from China when I was 11 months old uh—I grew up in a small town called Braymer, Missouri. Umm—I have four older brothers and my mom. My dad passed away when I was 13” (00:07). As the interview went on, I learned things about Maggie I had not known before including her love for sports. “Yes—with the sports I played which were softball, basketball, and track I kinda felt like the underdog” (08:23). Now anyone who doesn’t know Maggie personally might be wondering why she feels like, as she says, an underdog compared to her teammates. “They wouldn’t expect someone who looks like me to be very good at all, but it was nice because then I could show everyone how good I was they would be like “what?” and oh yeah it doesn’t help at all that I’m only 5 feet tall [smiles]” (08:40). I asked Maggie to describe herself a little more for those who don’t know her and she said, “Yeah, I’m 5’1” and Asian and very much a tomboy.”

After interviewing Maggie, I realized the struggles she has to go through in everyday life. This only made me admire her more. While interviewing Maggie, it was clear to me that she could rise above the looks, whispers, and judgments of those around her. Eventually, I had to ask her, “Were there any times you have ever wished you could change specifically just the way you look?” and not surprisingly, she answered, “No.” In a later question, I asked if she ever considered what her life would be like if she didn’t have her difference. Maggie made it very clear that she has thought about things like this before because, who hasn’t? At the end of the day, she very much loves her life. It is clear to me that what other people, including myself, may see as struggles, Maggie only sees these obstacles as learning and growing experiences. Throughout the interview I wanted to get some personal experiences from Maggie, to see the world through her eyes. So, I asked, “…can you describe a specific incident where you felt out of place or different because of your difference?” (04:44) and so she did, “Umm [looks away]—it’s hard for me to live up to people’s standards of me [slightly moves in seat] because I am Asian I feel like people only see my looks and I feel like I should act or be a certain way [shakes head] so, for example, just yesterday I went to an Eric Church concert with my brothers and, I don’t know why [shrugs shoulders], but I felt very out of place” (05:03). This is the type of example of an everyday obstacle for Maggie. You might wonder why, why did she feel out of place? It’s just a concert, isn’t it? Well, I wondered the same thing. So, I asked her. She told me this, “Idk—I guess because it was mainly white people [looks up] and I love country music [gestures towards self] and Eric Church but [moves hand] I guess because stereotypes make it seem like specific [air quotes] types of music are targeted for certain types of people” (05:33). It’s hard to think that just because someone doesn’t look or act like everyone else they could feel so out of place.

“You always hear people say oh [air quotes] Asians are good at math.” (16:33). Throughout the interview, our conversation would stem off into new conversation until we had a whole tree of topics we were talking about. One that I realize we mentioned a lot was stereotypes. We went into a full conversation talking about just being ourselves. As I am telling everyone reading this, I told Maggie, “I really like that aspect about you, it’s very admirable” (19:27). And just then Maggie said something, “Thank you, that really means a lot to me because I try so hard to just be myself in everyday life and like we were talking about earlier I try to stray away from stereotypes and just be myself because I refuse to let a stereotype define who I am” (19:33). I began to think about what it must be like to always have people instantly assume something about you before they have even said one word to you. It’s not fair and I believe everyone should take a page from Maggie’s book and not let what other people say who she really is.

If there’s one thing I learned throughout this assignment, it’s that family is so important. Especially to Maggie Phillips. “Yeah sure so my family has always supported me through everything. I think they realize it can be a little difficult for me because of my difference and because of that they’re super supportive in all aspects of my life; school, sports, and just everyday life. They really encourage me to be the best I can be” (07:53). It’s clear to me she loves her family with all of her heart. But as you now know, Maggie was adopted at a very young age, 11 months. I wanted to know her stance on this sensitive topic. So, I asked her “Do you ever find yourself wanting to learn more about your own personal culture since you did grow up with a white family with white customs?” (09:24). Maggie’s answer was a bit shocking to me. She said, “No, not really because— I’ve tasted genuine Chinese food and I absolutely hated it. My number one thing about culture is that the food has to taste good and it also could be because I did grow up here, so I’m just not used to the food but the American greasy food is probably the best food I’ll ever taste so no, I don’t have any desire to learn any more about my heritage” (09:46). I thought this was a very sweet idea but didn’t answer what I really wanted to know. So, to continue the question, I asked Maggie, “Do you ever want to meet your real parents and learn about their lifestyle?” (10:15) Her answer was truly heartwarming, “No, because all I see them as are sperm and egg donors and my real parents are the ones that raised me and loved me and have supported me throughout my life” (10:24). At this point in time, I knew without a doubt that family was a key aspect of Maggie’s life.

After spending nearly half an hour with Maggie, I feel like I truly got a look inside of her world into her everyday life. It’s not always rainbows and sunshine, but I can tell that Maggie isn’t one to give up. She inspires me to ignore the stares, whispers, and, of course, the stereotypes. Despite our differences, we’re all just people.

Author: Gabrielle Hood

I am an undergraduate here at UMKC. I am currently a pre-dental hygiene major. I am apart of Alpha Sigma Alpha here on campus. I liked this assignment because I got to see a different side to my friend, a vulnerable side, and I feel as though it brought us closer together.

2 thoughts on “A Day in The Life of Margaret Phillips”

  1. Often times when people think of persecution and discrimination its on a large scale controversy. An African American male shot by a police officer on the streets, or a muslim women shunned away from a public space due to the association of violence and terrorism the religion has taken on. These are the types of cases that would make headlines, grab the attention of the public. What about the side of it that no one even bats an eye at? The type so mild some may not even consider it to be anything past, maybe, light bullying. This being social stereotypes. Examples of social stereotypes are scattered across daily interactions. From the way one looks at a bulky, young teen and immediately associates him with football. Or that Asian girl sitting in math class that all the struggling students turn to for help, simply because she is Asian. Because Asians are suppose to be smart, it is who they are, right? In an interview conducted by Gabrielle Hood called ‘A Day In The Life Of Margaret Phillips’ she addresses this issue. Gabrielle interviewed Margaret, who prefers to go by Maggie, Phillips who grew up as an Asian adopted into a white family. Who, from the pressure put on her by society, finds it “hard for me to live up to people’s standards of me ,“ due to the typical Asian stereotype. One that leaves her feeling she “should act or be a certain way,” (Hood). So while this form of discrimination may not be as drastic, violent or controversial, it can still be an offensive act for the one involved. No one wants to be held to the standards placed on them by society, only to feel shame when they cannot live up to them. Or feel downplayed when they surpass the limitations placed upon them. Everyone has their own, individual strengths and weaknesses that should not be determined by the associations of society.

  2. It’s so easy just to assume characteristics about an individual. In our world, stereotypes allow us to make “then and there” judgements about a group of people or an individual. In the story A Day in The Life of Margret Phillips by Gabrielle Hood, the author explores how stereotypes and differences impacted the life of her friend Margret Philips. Whether its race, religion, age, or sexuality, stereotypes are always around. In Margret’s case, her difference in appearance has caused friction in her life. For example, in the article, Maggie explains, “It’s hard for me to live up to people’s standard of me because I am Asian, I feel like people only see my looks and I feel like I should act or be a certain way”. Stereotypes are an important theme in in our class European 214. The judgments based on an overgeneralized statement is partially the reason for the Holocaust. While Maggie wasn’t the victim of the Holocaust, she is the victim of people stereotyping her. Not only do stereotypes cloud the judgments of people, but it also affects the individual receiving assumptions. For example, when Maggie specifically said, “I feel like people only see my looks and I feel like I should act or be a certain way”. This makes it hard for her to be confident in herself. Stereotypes shouldn’t influence how you see a person. This story about Margret clearly exemplifies why. So, don’t let a mere stereotype direct how you judge an individual before you do. Take initiative. Be the boss you can be, get to know the person and make decisions for yourself.

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