TEDx “InterconnecTED” at UMKC

By , September 11, 2012 8:31 am

Join us for the inaugural TEDxUMKC’s ‘InterconnecTED’ on Saturday, September 15th.  Tickets are sold out, but to offer this opportunity to the rest of the campus, we have created a free simulcast event to be hosted at the iX Theatre on the first floor of the Miller Nichols Library from 2-5PM.  InterconnecTED will feature a broad array of speakers, who will traverse a unique spectrum of subjects.

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, and is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.  At TED, the world’s leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.  TEDx is a program of local, self-organized event created to foster a TED-like experience for individual communities.  At these events, a combination of live speakers and TEDTalks are shown to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.  This year, the focus of the theme is to empower connections between the members of our community at UMKC.  It is to bring students, staff, and faculty together for a day of inspiration and inquisition.  A day that will challenge, broaden, and entertain the campus of UMKC.  The reason this is a wonderful opportunity is that you will be immersed in an environment with many other curious minds, people that you will have the chance to connect with and share ideas and thoughts with after viewing the talks.

For more information on TED, please see www.ted.com.

Constitution Day–Schools, Cyberspeech, and the First Amendment

By , September 11, 2012 8:24 am

In honor of Constitution Day, please join the UMKC School of Law for a noon hour lecture on Schools, Cyberspeech, and the First Amendment presented by Professor Dan Weddle on September 17, 2012 in the law school’s student lounge.  Recent events in the news have highlighted the problems with regulation of off-campus student speech in social media and internet postings that affect what happens in the school.    This lecture will address the constitutional difficulties surrounding schools’ exercising authority over this type of speech.

Professor Weddle is a member of the faculty at UMKC School of Law and the co-editor of Our Promise: Achieving Educational Equality for America’s Children.  This lecture is a preview of the School Speech conference to be held at the Law School on September 20 and 21, which will feature litigants and attorneys from five landmark United States Supreme Court cases, spanning 40 years, dealing with school speech.

For more information about the symposium see www.law.umkc.edu/schools.

Constitution Day became a recognized federal holiday in 2004, when legislation authored by Senator Robert Byrd was signed into law.  The Act mandates that all educational institutions that receive public funding provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on or near September 17th each year.



Academic Success Seminar Schedule

By , September 4, 2012 9:30 am

The Coaching Program, a program under the direction of Academic Support and Mentoring, has a variety of tools to aid in the success of students. One of these tools is a weekly academic success seminar. They are held twice a week in the Student Success Center. The seminars last about an hour and the topics change weekly. These topics range from in-class learning and research strategies, to financial success and relaxation techniques. Below is the schedule of topics and seminar dates for the semester. Be sure to check them out- you’ll be glad you did!


Making the Most of the UMKC E-Mail Platform

By , September 4, 2012 9:29 am

Your UMKC e-mail account is the official form of communication for all UMKC matters. Be sure to check it regularly so you don’t miss important announcements and deadlines! However, it doesn’t just give you access to e-mail. The Outlook platform gives you many options to help you stay organized and worry-free throughout your time at UMKC and beyond. Its features give you access to all kinds of tools at the touch of a button- all you need is internet access.

Within the Mail tab, you also have access to all your contacts, a calendar, and tasks. This is a great way to keep a to-do list and help keep track of deadlines on your course syllabus! Another feature of Mail is the ability to live chat with other people signed in. This service, through MSN Messenger, allows you to see right in your e-mail window who is available to chat.

Within the Office tab, you have access to the Windows Sky Drive. This allows you to store documents and pictures on the web and access them from any computer! You can create groups and share and edit documents within the Sky Drive. You can also create and edit documents right in the browser- no need to download them every time you want to make an update. When you do download a document to make changes, by pressing the Save button it automatically syncs to the uploaded file and saves your changes to the document in the Sky Drive. This is a great tool to use if you don’t like having to always remember to grab your flash drive.

To make the most of your e-mail anywhere, sync your e-mail account to your smartphone or laptop. There are instructions on the UMKC Information Services website. By syncing your account, you have the ability to sync not only e-mail, but calendars, contact info, and tasks.

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