UMKC will celebrate Constitution Day on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 with an event sponsored by UMKC School of Law student organizations: Implications and Interpretation of Birthright Citizenship. The session is at 11.30am in the School of Law Student Lounge.
Moderated by Law School faculty and local attorneys, the session will focus on what is birthright citizenship: its importance, implications, and impacts.
Constitution Day 2019 is co-sponsored by The Federalist Society and The American Constitution Society.
Constitution Day became a recognized federal holiday in 2004, when legislation authored by Senator Robert Byrd was signed into law. The Act mandates that all educational institutions that receive public funding provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on or near September 17th each year.

Congratulations to the staff and writers of University News, UMKC’s independent student newspaper! The Missouri College Media Association conference took place on April 7, 2018, and the UNews took home TEN awards.
The UNews received an honorable mention for best overall newspaper and second place for best website.
In addition, 8 individual pieces were recognized:
- Melissa Wharton: second place for best news writing (“I Want to be a Teacher” Education Majors Lose Out on Credit Hours and Thousands of Dollars)
- Sam Danley: second place for best feature writing (UMKC student stuck overseas amidst international controversy)
- Zach Linhares: second place for best in-depth news reporting (UMKC officials investigating alleged sexual assault)
- Sam Danley: second place for best entertainment review (“Stupid Fucking Bird” might just leave you speechless)
- Luke McKiddy: third place for best editorial writing (I was part of the problem)
- Sam Danley: honorable mention for best editorial writing (You can’t rain on RuPaul’s parade)
- Emily Park: honorable mention for best investigative reporting (OPA flaw displaces students and costs UMKC millions)
- Julia Martin: honorable mention for best entertainment review (Loving Vincent: The paintings of Vincent van Gogh come to life)

The Union Programming Board is searching for applicants for its executive board for 2018-2019. No prior UPB or event planning experience is required, but a willingness to learn and a passion for making UMKC better is essential.
The student leaders selected to serve in the roles on the UPB executive board will work with professionals in the development of events, programs and activities designed to entertain, education and enhance the student experience at UMKC. UPB executive board members will learn skills such as the following: event planning, marketing, creative problem solving, team work and negotiation. This is a great opportunity to apply what you have learned inside the classroom at UMKC to put on amazing events for your fellow students.
2018-2019 UPB Executive Board positions are available and the application is live on RooGroups. Applications are available at and information about the specific positions on the executive board is available at
Applications will be due via RooGroups by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 6th. Any questions about the process or positions can be directed to me at
Anthony Maly, Coordinator for Student Activities
Office of Student Involvement
Student Union, Suite 320
(816) 235-1032
Schedule a meeting with me!
We wanted you to know about two transgender support/discussion groups at UMKC that are both open to UMKC students, students at other colleges, and community members. In addition, we have attached a transgender resources sheet for Kansas City that would be a great resource to hand out to trans+ or gender-questioning individuals.
The first is a Trans+Social Group that is a trans-exclusive space for trans+ identifying college students and young adult community members that meets on Monday nights from 6-8 p.m. in the Rainbow Lounge at UMKC (see attached flyer for more information).
We also have four Trans+Allies events this semester that are open to trans+ individuals of all ages, friends, family, community members, students, and anyone who identifies as an ally. The events are all scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month in UMKC’s Student Union room 302 from 6-8 p.m. starting September 2nd (see attached flyer for more information). Free pizza will be provided. These events are great for mental health professionals, family members of trans+ individuals, as well as trans+ individuals who are unavailable on Thursday nights or are not college students or young adults. The topics of the four meetings are as follow:
- September 2nd- Ally Development: How to be an advocate
- October 7th- New Girls on the Block Discussion (Student Union, Room 402)
- November 4th- Binary Trans Panel
- December 2nd- Parents of Trans Children and Young Adults Roundtable
Please contact for more information or to be added to our listserv. Thank you!