The Office of Student Involvement is evaluating our student leadership development programs and we need YOUR feedback. What support and programs do YOU need to be better leaders on campus and in your communities? How can we support your leadership development and how can we challenge you to grow?
We want to develop leadership programs that are beneficial to all of our students at UMKC, including those who have never held a leadership position. The results of this survey will also help us assess the Leadership Summit to determine if it meets the needs of our students.
Please take a few moments to fill out our Leadership Development Survey. One lucky winner will receive a $50 gift card to the UMKC bookstore–submit the survey by October 31st!
The UMKC University Libraries have scheduled events leading up to the Division of Diversity and Inclusion’s 2014 Social Justice Book Lecture, which will take place on Nov. 13 in Pierson Auditorium, 6 – 7 p.m.
Rebecca Skloot, author of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” will serve as keynote speaker at the Social Justice Book Lecture. Lacks was a poor black tobacco farmer who died of cervical cancer in 1951. Before she died, some of her cancerous tissue was taken without her permission and the cells have been reproducing in laboratories around the world ever since. Her cells have become important tools in medical research, such as in developing the polio vaccine and cloning.
The book will soon be made into an HBO movie by Oprah Winfrey and Alan Ball: watch the book trailer.
The Library will hold two events on Wednesday, Oct. 29:
- “Cancer Cell Research: The Way of All Flesh” [story of Henrietta Lacks], from noon – 1 p.m., School of Medicine Theater. Complimentary pizza provided.
- A book discussion on “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” will take place from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Miller Nichols Library iX Theater. Scott Curtis, Research and Liaison Librarian, is the book discussion leader. Complimentary refreshments served.
Admission is free and advance registration is appreciated. Attendees may register here.
This series is sponsored by UMKC Division of Diversity and Inclusion in partnership with UMKC Libraries; UMKC School of Education and the UMKC School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity and Community Partnership Diversity Council.
Two New York state-based artists, Drew Matott and Margaret Mahan of Peace Paper Project, will discuss their recent work on contemporary applications of traditional hand papermaking.
They will share strategies for collaborating with community leaders and art therapists to establish paper centers for healing.
The artists’ work has taken place in the United Kingdom with ex-military and survivors of terrorism; with survivors of sexual violence and their allies; and in the United States with returning U.S. veterans.
The Department of Art & Art History will host the lecture, which is free and open to the public. It will take place on Thursday, Nov. 6 at 9:30 a.m. in the Miller Nichols Library iX Theatre .
Following the lecture, Mahan and Matott will hold a workshop with an interactive demonstration of pulp printing at 10:30 a.m. on the University Mall. This workshop also is free and open to the public.
For additional information on the artists’ work, see the Visiting Artist Lecture website.
Do you have someone in your student organization who is just plain awesome? Are they super involved in your organization? Are they always going above and beyond to help others, both inside and outside of your organization? Do they keep a stellar GPA all while juggling multiple commitments throughout the year? If you answered yes to any of those, you should nominate that student for Roo Royalty 2015.
It is that time of year again where student organizations have the opportunity to nominate one of their members to participate as a candidate in UMKC’s 2015 Court Warming Roo Royalty Court! To nominate a member, go to the RooGroups website (, go to the “Courtwarming” organization page, and the nomination form can be found in the “Forms” tab.
Once nominated, the candidate will be invited and provided an application by e-mail to apply for a spot on the 2015 UMKC Roo Royalty Court. Candidate interviews will be held the week of November 18-20th and those selected to be a part of Roo Royalty will be notified before leaving campus for Thanksgiving Break. Nominations are being accepted until 5:00 pm on November 14th.
Questions? Feel free to contact the Courtwarming Committee at or the Office of Student Involvement at 816-235-1407 (ask to speak with Rachel, Juneall, or Dylan)!