WEPT Preparation Seminar

By , October 12, 2010 8:30 am

Are you wondering what the WEPT is or when you may need to take it?  This week’s seminar topic is on preparing for the Written English Proficiency Test (WEPT).  The purpose of this seminar is to help students understand the reason of WEPT and to prepare for the test when it comes time for them to take it.  WEPT is designed to determine undergraduate students’ proficiency in writing academically.  The Writing Center will be coming as a guest speaker during this seminar to help students prepare for the WEPT as well as inform students of the process and procedures of taking the WEPT.  In addition to information from the writing center, students will be practicing their skills of MLA citation.  

As always, these seminars will take place throughout the week in the following locations:

  • 10/12     Tues 12:00pm       Location:  New Student Union: Multicultural Student Affairs Suite
  • 10/13     Wed 3:00pm         Location: Oak Street Residence Hall Classroom
  • 10/14     Thurs 5:30pm       Location: Oak Street Residence Hall Classroom

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