UMKC Alumna Wins Chambliss Award for Astronomy Research

By , January 25, 2011 8:32 am

Congratulations to Jennifer Nielsen for receiving a Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award medal at the 217th American Astronomical Society Conference (AAS) in Seattle, Washington earlier this January.  The Chambliss awards recognize exemplary research by undergraduate and graduate students who present posters at the semi-annual meetings of AAS.  Jennifer’s research was on the chemical composition of merging galaxies, which she completed with her faculty mentor, astronomy professor Daniel McIntosh.  Find out more by checking out the press release here:

Jennifer says she could not have completed her research without Dr. McIntosh’s mentorship and guidance.  She took part in his Physics 499 Research class during her senior year at UMKC and became hooked on galaxy research.  Dr. McIntosh’s research class is open to undergraduates of all disciplines wishing to try their hand at serious astronomical research.

Dr. McIntosh is a mentor to many UMKC students, including Andrew Cooper and Cory Wagner, who also presented their original research at the conference.  Congratulations!

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