The Importance of Sleep

By , November 8, 2011 8:34 am

[This study tip is brought to you by guest blogger Briana Thomas.]

Sleep is very important! It is a natural part of everyone’s life, but many people including college students know very little about how important it is, and some try to get by with little or no sleep. Sleep is something our bodies need to do; it is not an option. Some parts of the brain actually increase their activity dramatically, and the body produces more of certain hormones while we are sleeping. Sleep, like diet and exercise, is important for our minds and bodies to function normally.

Thanksgiving is a holiday for Americans to spend time with family, enjoy food and maybe even watch a game of football.  For college students, however, Thanksgiving is a sign that the end is near and it’s now time to stay up late cramming for finals. The problem here is that college students are not getting enough sleep that they should be. Mary Carskadon, Brown University psychology professor, is a leading sleep researcher who found that “if you get your full night’s sleep, it actually gives a person 10 to 20 percent better retention for information” (quoted in the Star).  Teens are spending less than seven hours a night sleeping when eight to nine is ideal.

Lack of sleep affects our health. Sleep helps you feel less stressed and even helps you to maintain a healthy diet.  College students often have very busy and stressful lives. Everyday activities such as going to class, working out, or working on a computer can strain your mind and body.  Sleep deprivation can affect your mind and body such as your mood, energy, ability to learn, memory, good judgment, reaction time and efficiency. So if it seems worth it to sacrifice a night of good sleep to squeeze in your studies, think again. Staying up all night to cram for a test may be doing more harm than good: The effects of sleep deprivation may over weigh the benefits of all that extra studying.

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