Roo Wellness at Swinney Recreation Center

By , January 29, 2013 8:30 am

Roo Wellness is a brand new health and wellness initiative at UMKC.  We are rethinking campus wellness, taking on the 8 dimensions of health and making them a reality for all UMKC students.

  • What is wellness?  Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a more successful existence.
  • What are the 8 dimensions of wellness?  Physical, Cultural, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Occupational, and Environmental.
  • How do we achieve wellness?  Through seminars, workshops, classes, events and social activities hosted by Roo Wellness and many are FREE of charge to Roo Wellness members.

Not only does Roo Wellness provide FREE events and services such as Nutrition Counseling, Cooking classes, Fitness Classes, Health-screenings, and much much more, but you also get rewarded for getting involved and consequently creating a more healthful future for yourself.  A large prize will be awarded to the student who earns the most wellness points from participating in sponsored activities and several other prizes will be given to members with substantial improvements each semester at a celebration banquet for ALL members!

Join now by sending an email to — include your name, phone number, and email address. You will receive a confirmation email of your registration as well as how to pick up your FREE Roo Wellness T-shirt and informational packet.

As a Roo, REFUSE to settle for anything less than the OPTIMUM health you DESERVE!

JOIN the MOVEMENT! Inspire Campus-wide Change!

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