Operation Beautiful–EveryBody of Beautiful Week 2013
Be a part of the national movement to end negative self-talk and celebrate the beauty in each of us! During EveryBody Is Beautiful Week, post positive messages around campus on sticky notes. Feel free to write inspiring, supportive, and motivating messages to encourage each of us to accept ourselves just the way we are. Our goal is to change our culture to focus on our strengths and inner beauty, and to eliminate “fat talk”, which focuses on appearance and conforming to unrealistic standards of beauty as a source of self-worth. Let’s work together to cover our campus with positive and encouraging messages!
You can pick up sticky notes and instructions at the EveryBody Is Beautiful Week table on Monday, February 25 from 12 – 2 pm in Royall Hall and throughout the week at the Women’s Center (Haag 105), MindBody Connection (Student Success Center 112), Multicultural Student Affairs (Student Union 319), and the following locations in the 4825 Troost Building: Counseling Center (Suite 206), Disability Services Office (Suite 104), and Student Health and Wellness (Suite 115).
Also join us for these EveryBody Is Beautiful Week Events:
- Information and activity table on Monday, February 25, 12 – 2 pm, Royall Hall
- “Do I Look Fat?” film screening and discussion on Tuesday, February 26, 12 – 1:30 pm, Miller Nichols Library 303. Lunch provided. RSVP to the Women’s Center (235-1638 or umkc-women’s-center@umkc.edu)
- Love The Body You’re In Party, Wednesday, February 27, MindBody Connection (Student Success Center 112). Learn and practice fun ways to honor and take care of your amazing body.
EveryBody Is Beautiful Week is brought to you by the UMKC Counseling Center and Women’s Center. For more information, contact Rachel Pierce at (816) 235-5186 or visit www.operationbeautiful.com.