2010-2011 Senior Survey Results

By , January 24, 2012 8:24 am

Each year, the Office of Institutional Research and Planning conducts a survey regarding the experiences of students in their senior year at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.  The results of this survey provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of UMKC’s curricular and co-curricular programs.  The results also assist the University in preparing to meet the needs of future students.  Major findings from the 2010-2011 Senior Survey include:

  • General Education Assessment:  Three-Fourths or more of the respondents agreed that UMKC had helped them improve their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, broaden their knowledge of arts and sciences, and improve their written and oral communication skills. 
  • Overall Experience at UMKC:  Eight in ten respondents rated their overall experience at UMKC as either good or excellent. 
  • Satisfaction with UMKC Services and Programs:  Respondents indicated they were most satisfied with the availability of faculty outside of class, personal safety on campus, the admissions process, content of courses, quality of instruction, the registration process, and the library.  Roughly one quarter of the respondents were dissatisfied with Academic Advising, Financial Aid, and the availability of courses.  More than half of the respondents were dissatisfied with parking. 
  • Future Plans:  A majority of the respondents indicated their primary future activity was most likely going to be working full-time.  In addition, more than half of the respondents indicated that they would be attending graduate school part-time or full-time. Of the students planning on attending graduate school, 34% indicated they planned to conduct their graduate studies at UMKC.

The report containing detailed results is located on the Institutional Research and Planning website.  To view the 2010-2011 Senior Survey results please visit:  https://irapweb.umkc.edu/reports/default.aspx?category=30

Comments or questions regarding this report should be directed to: Larry Bunce Director of Institutional Research buncel@umkc.edu 816-235-1045

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