Study Tip: Avoiding Plagiarism

By , November 1, 2011 8:14 am

Writing papers is just part of being a college student; and at UMKC, taking the WEPT is also part of college life.  One of the things the WEPT measures, in addition to whether or not you can write a coherent argument, is if you know how to properly use quotations and citations in your work. 

Do you know how to cite sources correctly so you are not guilty of plagiarizing?  Remember:  whenever you present ideas that are not your own, you must cite them!  Use quotation marks around the statements that are from another source and then utilize one of several methods to cite them depending on the formatting style–either a parenthetical reference immediately following the quotation, a footnote at the bottom of the page, or an endnote at the end of your paper.  Follow everything up with a bibliography or works cited page. 

The UMKC Writing Center has great on-line resources for the three main formatting styles:  MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian.  You can access the style manuals at the Miller Nichols Library reference section as well as other on-line sources to help get you started.  Also check out the LibGuide for Zotero, an on-line citation manager that collects and organizes citations for you while you conduct your research–allowing you to import the exact citation into your paper quickly and easily.

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