Category: Student Organization Spotlight

Court Warming 2015 – Nominate the Roo Royalty Court!

By , October 28, 2014 8:38 am

Court Warming 2015Do you have someone in your student organization who is just plain awesome? Are they super involved in your organization? Are they always going above and beyond to help others, both inside and outside of your organization? Do they keep a stellar GPA all while juggling multiple commitments throughout the year? If you answered yes to any of those, you should nominate that student for Roo Royalty 2015.

It is that time of year again where student organizations have the opportunity to nominate one of their members to participate as a candidate in UMKC’s 2015 Court Warming Roo Royalty Court! To nominate a member, go to the RooGroups website (, go to the “Courtwarming” organization page, and the nomination form can be found in the “Forms” tab.

Once nominated, the candidate will be invited and provided an application by e-mail to apply for a spot on the 2015 UMKC Roo Royalty Court. Candidate interviews will be held the week of November 18-20th and those selected to be a part of Roo Royalty will be notified before leaving campus for Thanksgiving Break. Nominations are being accepted until 5:00 pm on November 14th.

Questions?  Feel free to contact the Courtwarming Committee at or the Office of Student Involvement at 816-235-1407 (ask to speak with Rachel, Juneall, or Dylan)!

Celebrate Constitution Day on Sept 17

By , September 9, 2014 10:33 am

Constitution Day 2014How much do you remember from your civics and American government courses?  Test your knowledge in honor of Constitution Day!

Please join the UMKC School of Law for a trivia competition over the lunch hour on September 17, 2014 in the law school’s student lounge.  The event is hosted by the American Constitution Society and the Black Law Student Association.

Also in honor of Constitution Day, UMKC Law students are volunteering to teach a civics class at a local middle school to share their passion for the Constitution and Constitutional law.

Constitution Day became a recognized federal holiday in 2004, when legislation authored by Senator Robert Byrd was signed into law.  The Act mandates that all educational institutions that receive public funding provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on or near September 17th each year.

UPB presents Late Night Breakfast on May 8

By , May 6, 2014 11:03 am

Late Night Breakfast

The UMKC Union Programming Board invites you to the Late Night Breakfast on Thursday, May 8th from 10pm to midnight in the Student Success Center Dining Hall.

Take a break from studying and enjoy FREE breakfast before the sun rises!

Run UPB! Applications now available

By , April 8, 2014 10:40 am

RUNUPBThe Union Programming Board (UPB) is a student run organization that works to bring fun, free, and diverse events and activities to the UMKC student body.   These events include bi-weekly movie nights in the Student Union Theater, cultural/social justice focused programming, live performances from local or upcoming musical artist, trips to various Kansas City attractions, and much more.  UPB Coordinators serve in stipendiary student positions where they are tasked with creating, organizing, and executing these events throughout the academic year.

UPB is now taking applications for 2014-2015 Coordinator positions.  Applications are available online at RooGroups and are due by April 18, 2014.

Questions can be directed to Habib Hassan at

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