UMKC Peer Coaches help first year students learn the ins and outs of navigating campus! Serving as a Peer Coach is a one-year commitment and a great opportunity to increase your leadership skills and establish connections that help with your career pursuits. Visit our website for more information!

The UMKC Trans+Allies group would invite all of you to our upcoming meeting Monday, April 3, at the UMKC Student Union, Rm. 402 from 6-8pm. For our April meeting we will have some awesome folks from the Kansas City Anti-Violence Project share about the violence experienced by trans People of Color and how we can support our community. We will also have a panel of trans People of Color share their experiences. We are super excited to have them come share about such an important (and unfortunately) timely topic. This event is open to anyone, we just ask that you come with an open mind and willingness to listen.
Future Trans+Allies Event at 6pm:
Monday, 5/1- Gender therapy and providing psychological support to trans clients
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, April 3rd!
The Trans+Allies Facilitation Team
KCMO Water Services has a contractor making repairs to the storm mains and a sink hole on Charlotte Street between 52nd and 53rd streets. We apologize for the short notice, but the city failed to let us know the start date for this project.
Due to this construction, drivers are asked to enter the garage at the south entrance off of Charlotte and exit the garage on the north exit. Please see the photo for reference.
We apologize for the inconvenience and hope the construction is completed soon!