College students are often targeted for email scams which attempt to trick email users into providing sensitive personal information, such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers, or account passwords. Please be aware that scammers can use any name or email address in the “From” or “Subject” field to make the email appear official. UMKC will never ask for sensitive information via email.
Examples of scams include:
- Job Scams, with the intent to get your personal information
- Check scams, where they send a check and ask for a portion of the money to be returned
- Secret Shopper Scams, similar to check scams, but they may ask you to send them merchandise, and send you checks that bounce
- Fake password expiration or account upgrade scams, with intent of stealing a user account. These accounts are then used to steal other email addresses at an organization, or used to relay one of the above scams to other people
Some tips to avoid fraud:
- When someone randomly sends you an e-mail asking you to receive a check and forward part of the funds to another account, it is typically fraud. The victim of such a scam is generally liable for any funds received in this way.
- Do your research on the person or company before accepting a job or a check from them, especially if the contact is unsolicited. Contact UMKC Career Services if you have any questions.
- Consult your banker or parents before answering any e-mail or cashing any checks if you don’t know who sent it.
- Change your passwords frequently and ensure they are of sufficient complexity.
Always keep in mind: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Be wary when someone offers you money and be sure you check with trusted mentors before you accept anything. Nobody sends “free” money and random job offers are usually fraudulent. If you have any questions, please contact the UMKC Computer Helpdesk at 816-235-2000.
The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management is pleased to announce the student preferred name policy. The policy is a result of the resolution passed by the Student Government Association in Spring 2013. This resolution was initiated by numerous student requests to have a preferred name option in the Pathway and Blackboard/Moodle systems.
After ongoing campus discussions, the student preferred name policy was approved by the university in Spring 2014. Beginning Monday, April 21, 2014, the preferred name option will be available for students in the Pathway system.
If a student decides to add a preferred name, the preferred name will be displayed in the Pathway Student Center, faculty class roster and grade roster. Adding a preferred name does not change a student’s official name as a part of their educational record. A student’s official name is their legal name, which will always be used for financial aid, transcripts, international student I-20s and other documents required by the University.
Adding the preferred name functionality was made possible through the leadership team in the Office of Registration and Records, the Department of Information Access and the UM System Technical Developers.
UMKC is committed to student success and the preferred name option will provide students with an improved way to interact and connect with faculty and staff.
Questions about the preferred name policy can be directed to Doug Swink, University Registrar.

Becca May is presented with the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks.
Rebecca “Becca” May, an undergraduate student double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, was selected for a unique opportunity to present at an international conference today, April 1, in Ghent, Belgium.
This conference, the 10th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) is highly regarded in the computer networking research community for its focus on reliable network design.
May presented her peer-reviewed paper, “Using Multi-Topology Routing to Improve Routing during Geographically Correlated Failures,” which was written in collaboration with a fellow student and professors of the School of Computing and Engineering (SCE). May was also recognized at the conference with the Best Paper Award, which is accompanied by a €500 award.
May takes part in undergraduate research through the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, where she works alongside SCE professor and co-author Dr. Deep Medhi, who was particularly impressed by May’s presentation.
“I rarely see a graduate student, doing his or her first international presentation, handle it so well,” said Medhi. “For me to see an undergraduate do this well is a treat of a lifetime.”
Congratulations, Becca!
The documentary “Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines” will take place at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, April 22 at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City Library, 4801 Main St.
The documentary examines the idea of heroic women from the birth of the superhero in the 1940s to the TV and big-screen action blockbusters of today. It also explores female heroines who don’t require rescue and who determine their own missions.
Featuring Gloria Steinem, actors Lynda (Wonder Woman) Carter and Lindsey (The Bionic Woman) Wagner – as well as a cast of scholars, writers, and fans – the film challenges pop culture’s gender biases by looking at how Wonder Woman’s storyline changed over time and why women are rarely depicted as heroic, powerful, or world-changing.
Filmmaker Kristy Guevara-Flanagan also will lead a discussion about the film and its themes.
Admission is free. A 6 p.m. reception precedes the event. RSVP at or call 816-701-3407.
The event is presented by the UMKC Women’s Center. It is co-sponsored Kansas City Public Library, Bernardin-Haskell Fund, UMKC Department of Communication Studies, UMKC Department of English, UMKC Women’s & Gender Studies Program, American Association of University Women Kansas City Branch, Kansas City Women in Film & TV and United Nations Association Women’s Group.