SI-Net: An Email Discussion Group

Thank you for your interest in joining SI-Net, the Supplemental Instruction (SI) email discussion group. SI-Net is intended as a modern forum for the exchange of ideas among those interested in SI. To date, faculty and staff from over 1000 institutions in 13 countries have participated in SI Training trainings. So when you email the SI-Net, you are emailing SI supervisors, Certified Trainers, faculty members, and SI leaders around the world!

Purposes of SI-Net include:

  • Exchange of ideas and techniques between institutions
  • Opportunities for SI leaders to participate in dialogue with SI supervisors and faculty members
  • Identification of new educational resources and practices that would be helpful for other members of the network
  • Discussion about customizing SI as it is implemented in specific academic content areas and institutions
  • Announcements about SI-User group meetings, training opportunities, and job opportunities

SI-Net is an independent, unmoderated, mailing-list interest group. This means it is open to all participants’ mailings without editing or prior approval. Though it is made possible by the cooperation and facilities of the participating institutions, its activities or any opinions expressed through it are without the sanction of any unit, department or school. Neither the institutions nor the participating states are responsible for its content. There is no charge from the University of Missouri-Kansas City to subscribe to SI-Net. We look forward to talking with you on the network.

SI-Net Instructions and Info

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from the SI-Net listserv, please click the button below and follow the directions.

Start/Contribute to a discussion on SI-Net

First, you must subscribe to SI-Net. See above.
If you want to reply to an email, just hit reply in your email program. This will allow you to keep the same subject, and keep the discussion going.
If you want to start a new discussion topic, send an email to with a good subject title to keep the discussion focused. In both cases, the listserv with email you back to confirm that the email was sent from you. Follow those directions and then your email will be distributed to all the participants.

Manage your SI-Net emails

If you wish to change the way SI-Net emails you (such as digests), you will need to set up a password for your account.

Search the SI-Net Archives

SI-Net discussions are archived on two sites. The primary and default archive is through the UMKC Listserv website itself, accessible via the first button below (you will be prompted to login with your subscribed email address and password). This archive contains posts from March 2013 to present.

The secondary archive is through Google Groups and accessible via the second button below. Please note that this archive only contains posts from January 2008 to the start of November 2023. Since it contains threads earlier than 2013, we will keep this archive linked here so that posts from 2008-2013 remain available.


SIL Connect provides SI Leaders the opportunity to have their own listserv. This is a place for Leaders to share session plan ideas, collaborative learning techniques, and to troubleshoot common issues. It’s also a great place for them to network with other SI Leaders to build community around their work. To sign up for SILCONNECT, click the button below. You will receive an email to confirm your subscription to SILCONNECT.