
These materials are best utilized by institutions who have attended an SI supervisor training. Much of the materials assume prior knowledge about the SI model. If you are planning on attending the supervisor training, you do not need to order training materials in advance. A basic packet of training materials are included as part of the training.

PLEASE NOTE: The International Center for SI is unable to accept payment via purchase order or invoice for purchases of materials. These purchases must be completed through our Customer Portal via one of the two options available at checkout: credit card or electronic check (ACH/direct deposit).

Digital Materials

Conducting SI Sessions Manual

$800 USD | Digital (Google Doc), unlimited use copy.

This resource is a great tool for SI Leader Training; it provides many samples, scenarios, and helpful tips not included in prior manuals, including SI session strategies adapted for online sessions, as well as self-care session activities. Check out our video walk-through of this manual for more information!

Planning SI Sessions Manual

$400 USD | Digital (Google Doc), unlimited use copy.

This manual is devoted entirely to effective SI session planning, and provides suggestions from the International Center and planning tips from experienced SI Leaders. It also includes a robust selection of learning strategies and sample in-person and online session plans in a variety of content areas.

SI Overview Video

$425 USD | Digital (via Google Drive).

This narrated slideshow presentation provides an overview of Supplemental Instruction including the SI model, key stakeholders, how and why SI works, how SI impacts student success, relevant data, and international expansion. The presentation is well suited for those new to SI, exploring SI for their campuses, informing key stakeholders, training SI Leaders, or as a refresher for existing programs.

The International Center also offers SI Overview PLUS, an institution-specific training option which combines this video with a presentation and Q&A session with a Certified SI Trainer.

SI Supervisor Manual

$40 USD | Digital (PDF), limited use copy, updated 2024.

This manual is a resource for those who have completed SI Supervisor Training and who have ongoing SI Programs, and includes information and resources useful for supervisors of SI programs regarding the SI Model,  SI Sessions, SI Program Roles, Training SI Leaders, and Evaluation.

SI Strategy Cards

$100 USD | Digital (PDF), limited use copy.

This deck of SI Strategy Cards is a collection of learning strategies, facilitation strategies, collaborative learning techniques, and tips for planning SI sessions.

Physical Materials

The physical materials previously offered by the ICSI (SI Strategy Cards, SI Session Planning Manual, and The Leader’s Guide to Supplemental Instruction) are no longer available for purchase as of March 1, 2022. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at