
Conference award nominations have closed. In recognition of the excellence of individuals in the field, the International Center for Supplemental Instruction presents the following awards.

Outstanding New SI Leader

Criteria: This award is for an SI Leader who has been in an SI Leader position for a minimum of 3 months but no more than one academic year, as defined by the Institution that the Leader’s SI Program operates within. This Leader will have been thoroughly involved with the program (outside of required obligations). They will have also demonstrated significant personal and professional growth from having participated as an SI Leader.


Livia Fontana, Bergen Community College

Livia Fontana

Exceptional Veteran SI Leader/Mentor

Criteria: This individual is an experienced SI Leader who has been in an SI Leader role for more than one academic year, as defined by the Institution that the Leader’s SI Program operates within. They are not only outstanding in their service as a Leader but have also made a significant contribution to the overall program through leadership and mentorship outside of their required obligations. They will have also demonstrated significant personal and professional growth from having participated as an SI Leader.


Henna Salim, University of Toronto Mississauga


Henna Salim

Exceptional Veteran SI Supervisor

Criteria: This award is for an SI Supervisor who has been in position at least two years. The candidate will have led the program to outstanding quality and continuous improvement through adherence to core principles, campus engagement, Leader development/support, excellence in quality of service, program evaluation, and integration with other campus and international community activities.


Emily Cook, University of North Georgia

Thomas Klubi, University of Toronto Mississauga


Emily Cook
Thomas Klubi

Outstanding New SI Supervisor

Criteria: This award is for an SI Supervisor who has been in position less than two years. The candidate will have led the program to outstanding quality and continuous improvement through adherence to core principles, campus engagement, Leader development/support, excellence in quality of service, program evaluation, and integration with other campus activities.


De’Janae Tookes, Baylor University


De'Janae Tookes

Exemplary SI Program

Criteria: This award is for an SI program that has demonstrated excellence in all areas of activity, growth on a programmatic level, adaptability while maintaining adherence to core principles, and campus integration.


Texas State University

Texas State University SI Program Website

Texas State University SI Team

SI Campus Champion

Criteria: This is an individual who is not employed by the SI program, but rather in another role on campus (faculty member, advisor, or other administrative staff) whose advocacy led to enhanced program support by departments, units, and university community.


Janice Holmes, Louisiana State University

Janice Holmes

Conference Questions

Do you have questions about the 12th International Conference on Supplemental Instruction? Submit your conference-related questions via the button below.