Troost park first impressions

This site is 2836 Paseo, located west of and facing Troost Lake. The original place of this house is 318 Benton Blvd. This house has a density of 5.1 units per acre. This is a historic house from the Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood. This new lot is 2,000 sq ft bigger than the original lot. I think this house is a good fit for this lot because it has a large porch that allows for a relaxing view of Troost Lake.

This site is located at 3014 Tracy ave. This building is from Benton ave near i70 highway. This building has large 3 bedroom units, and would take up 3 parcels but has 39.4 dwelling units per acre. This building, like the single family one has porches. The porches allow for a welcoming view of the park. I believe a multi-family residential building facing the park would allow for more usage of the park.

This site is 1301 and 1303 E 33rd st. This site was once two single family houses, but I believe shotgun-style duplexes add a necessary density to the area. Each building is 20.3 units per acre. Although these buildings are not facing the park, these building have porches. I believe porches add a level of connection to the street that it lost in newer homes with drive in garages. Front porches act as a semi-public meeting place for each home.