The physical areas that are available to the general public inside a community are referred to as the public realm. It consists of sidewalks, parks, plazas, streets, and other outdoor spaces where people may gather, communicate, and take part in a variety of activities.

Bike Facilities

This is one kind of element of the public realm. This element encompasses all things bike related. Bike lanes, bike parking, and bike shops.

What you see above is a variety of bike facilities. We have:

  1. Bike Lanes: Designated lanes on streets or roads exclusively for cyclists, providing a safer and more comfortable space for biking alongside vehicular traffic.
  2. Bike Parking: Secure and convenient parking facilities for bicycles, including bike racks, bike lockers, or bike-sharing stations.
  3. Bike Shops: Repair shops equipped with tools and air pumps for cyclists to perform basic maintenance and repairs on their bicycles.

What you see above are visuals and illustrations of bike lanes and bike parking, as well as a map showing existing bike lanes.

Lastly, what you see above is what I think I should add to improve bike transit and connectivity along the bi-state corridor. I think by adding more mobility hubs, we will be able to improve and increase the use of bike transit. You can see maps showing existing mobility hubs, high density interactions as well as high crash rates. It also shows different varieties of bike lanes as well as different types of mobility hubs.

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