Troost park first impressions

I chose this single family home because of the architectural style and features. This home is originally located at 3725 Valentine Road in the Volker Neighborhood. The home adds architectural variety to this area without taking away from the existing structures around Troost Lake. The ornate stained glass window creates a picturesque view and adds character to the neighborhood.

The lot is located at 2836 Paseo Boulevard and overlooks Troost Lake. I chose this lot because of the view overlooking the lake and close proximity to Troost Park.

The floor area ratio for the current lot is 1.39 with a density of 6 dwelling units per acre. The new lot, however, has a floor area ratio of 2.2 and a density of 4 dwelling units per acre.

I chose this duplex located at 516 Wabash Avenue in the Historic Northeast due to its classic architectural style. The units feature large patios on both the top and bottom level, creating a semi-public feel to the home. The large patios fit in well with the surrounding buildings in the neighborhood.

The lot is located at 1328 E 30th street near the north end of Troost Park. Currently, Providence Missionary Baptist Church owns this parcel of land but is not developing on it, so I think it would be a good opportunity for growth.

The floor area ratio on the current lot is 0.53 with a density of 17 dwelling units per acre. The new lot would have a floor area ratio of 0.55 and a density of 16 dwelling units per acre.

I chose this apartment building located at 522-4 Gladstone Boulevard because of the large front porches and the ornate awning above the entrance. The building opens to the street, creating a space between public and private as well as promoting pedestrian traffic around the site. This is a common style for apartment buildings around the Kansas City area, so I feel as if it would blend into the surroundings quite nicely.

The site I chose is located at 3014 Tracy Avenue and overlooks Troost Park. The front-facing porches on the apartment building would fit the aesthetic of the historic apartments along the major boulevards in Kansas City that boast large porches overlooking the parks.

The current density for this building is 61 dwelling units per acre. On the new site, however, the density is 88 dwelling units per acre.