Undergraduate Programs
The BBA in Entrepreneurship orients students toward an innovation mindset and leads them on a path of new value creation.
Students are required to complete 15 credit hours in entrepreneurship in addition to the Bloch core business courses. Entrepreneurship majors will develop the skills to start a successful venture or learn to create value within an established organization.
The BBA in Real Estate, offered by the Lewis White Real Estate Center, equips students with the practical knowledge and skills essential for providing management and policy leadership in the realm of real estate and its related industries.
Entrepreneurship Scholars (E-Scholars) is an intensive, early-stage venture development program that provides entrepreneurs with knowledge, support and resources to launch scalable and sustainable ventures within a supportive community of peers and mentors. Undergraduates earn credit for ENT 329: Entrepreneurship Scholars.
The minor in entrepreneurship is for all UMKC students who want to bring an entrepreneurial mindset and perspective to their major field of study.
Entrepreneurship minors are required to complete a total of 18 credit hours, including two required and four elective entrepreneurship courses.
Graduate Programs
Students who pursue an MBA with an emphasis in entrepreneurship build upon their existing professional experiences and develop an entrepreneurial mindset to advance their careers or launch ventures. Take part in experiential learning opportunities, expand your professional network and learn to create a strategic business plan. Develop the skills to start a successful venture or learn to distinguish yourself and create value within an established organization.
The MBA in Real Estate, offered by the Lewis White Real Estate Center, equips students with the practical knowledge and skills appropriate for providing management and policy leadership in the realm of real estate and its related industries.
Online Programs
Undergraduates can now take courses online to complete the requirements for a minor or apply credits towards an emphasis in Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- ENT 315: Entrepreneurial Mindset and Opportunity Recognition
- ENT 327: Designing the Business Model
- ENT 332: Managing the New Venture: Experiential Learning
- ENT 361: New Product Development
- ENT 412: Entrepreneurship Finance
- ENT 461: Social Entrepreneurship
Read the class descriptions and check out the below video to learn more about our online curriculum.