Reaction to the RFP

The Bi-State Sustainable Reinvestment Corridor is a transformative strategy that aims to
increase multi-mode transportation, reach and revitalize communities that are historically disadvantaged, and reduce carbon emissions. This would be achieved through the wide range of federal and local investments to this key regional corridor that connects 4 cities across 2 states. The corridor is approximately 24 miles in length and serves an estimated 84,980 jobs and 90,180 residents. The center of this corridor resides on Independence Ave (MO) and State Ave (KS). {Mid-America Regional Council}
The proposed area has a long history of plans that have not come to fruition, but what this is meant to do is to show what the corridor could achieve. The residents of this corridor have no great means of public transit so building on the bones of the past plans is a good foundation when it comes to what could be achieved when mobility is increased in disadvantaged communities. On top of mobility this area would be a future cornerstone for Zero Emission transportation through electric buses, mobility hubs, and bicycle infrastructure. This along with so many other impacts the Corridor is a plan for a brighter future for the residents that reside in it. I do however think it is important to consider the politics that plays a part in the planning process, because though this plan is all about improving the corridor, how these needs are met may be met with backlash and reconsideration. If even a quarter of the plans the program lists were implemented though a small step it would be a huge one towards building a
brighter, better community in the corridor

Source; Mid Amercia Regional Council. (2019, December 19). Bi-State Sustainable
Reinvestment Corridor. Kansas City