Reasons for Selecting the Southside of Volker Campus as my Site Analysis

By: Maryam Oyeamiji

I chose to focus on the Southside of the UMKC Volker Campus because I saw a lot of potential for development in the area. Many of the parking lots were vacant and there was a lot of unused space that could be repurposed for new projects. Additionally, the Southside is located adjacent to the Trolley Track Trail, which provides a direct connection to Brush Creek.

In my project, I took a unique approach by focusing on the connectivity of the Trolley Track Trail to the Brush Creek Bridge. I noticed that the trail was underutilized, and I believed that by revamping it, we could create a more accessible and enjoyable experience for pedestrians and cyclists.

By improving the Trolley Track Trail, we could create a safer and more attractive path for people to travel to the Brush Creek Bridge. This would not only improve connectivity in the area, but also provide a new opportunity for outdoor recreation and exercise.

Furthermore, my plan included adding a skatepark to the area, which would attract more young people to the Southside. I also proposed renovating some of the existing buildings in the area and constructing new ones, such as the Epperson Apartments, to increase the overall density of the neighborhood.

In addition, I wanted to make sure that the streets in the Southside were pedestrian and bike-friendly. This involved repaving the streets and adding bike lanes to ensure that people could easily travel around the area without relying on cars.

Overall, my goal for this project was to create a more vibrant and connected community in the Southside of the UMKC Volker Campus. I believe that my ideas for improving the Trolley Track Trail and adding new amenities to the area would be beneficial for both the residents of the neighborhood and the wider Kansas City community