Historical Analysis: 47th to 50th from Mill Creek to McGee  ​



In 1925, 47th to 50th from Mill Creek to McGee mostly consisted of single family households. There were very few commercial districts during this time. As you can see most of parcels contain residential homes .

1970: By 1970, the area had undergone significant changes. The construction of the Country Club Plaza in the 1920s had sparked a wave of development in the surrounding neighborhoods, including the area around 47th to 50th street alongside Mill Creek and McGee. Many of the older homes had been replaced by apartment buildings and commercial developments, and the area had become a bustling center of commerce and activity. However, the area had also begun to experience issues with crime and urban decay.

2023: As of 2023, the area has continued to evolve. Many of the older buildings and apartment complexes have been renovated or replaced with newer, modern developments. The area remains a commercial and residential center, with a mix of retail shops, restaurants, and apartment buildings. The nearby Country Club Plaza continues to be a major draw for visitors and shoppers, and the area around 47th to 50th street alongside Mill Creek and McGee has become a desirable location for young professionals and families. However, like many urban areas, the area still faces some challenges, including issues with affordability and inequality.