Troost Park Existing Conditions: Population and housing

The Troost Park area has seen a trend over the past several decades of a drastic decrease in population. Our detailed study area is home to fewer than 1000 people. Kansas City, MO is experience the complete opposite trend. It has only increased in population since 1990. However, there has been a very recent sign of reinvestment for the Troost Park area. From 2010 to 2018, there has been a small increase in population by about 200 people.

Figure 1. Population around Troost Park from 1950 to 2018. (US Census, ACS 2018)

Housing in the area follows the same pattern. Many units have been demolished since 1950, but there has been a small resurgence in recent years. This is a sign of reinvestment, which almost always bring gentrification. There is no doubt that the Troost Park area requires reinvestment in housing in order to create a vibrant community. We do need to be cautious moving forward, though, to prevent displacement of the existing residents. It is imperative that the existing neighborhood remains in-tact in order for reinvestment to be successful.

Figure 2. Housing Units around Troost Park from 1950 to 2018. (US Census, ACS 2018)

Works Cited
US Census 1950, US Census Bureau
US Census 1960 , US Census Bureau
US Census 1970 , US Census Bureau
US Census 1980 , US Census Bureau
US Census 1990 , US Census Bureau
US Census 2000 , US Census Bureau
US Census 2010 , US Census Bureau
ACS 2018, US Census Bureau