Blue Ridge Crossing

What appears as just a Walmart and Lowes surrounded by a vast array of parking spots could be the next mobility hub of Kansas City, Missouri.

Within a 1/4 mile radii exists four bus stops that route to nearly every part of the city.

The completion of the Rock Island Corridor will connect this site to a bicycle network that crosses state lines.

Parking share methods could allows for increased  development around this hub.

This site was created using TIF funding that is nearing the end of its terms; yet, if it wasn’t for the Walmart the existing transportation network here would exist (according to a source at KCATA)

The question arises how can this site be improved in the next 20 years that maintains partnerships that support public transit ( aka Walmart) and increases the density of housing and retail to support more comprehensive mobility amenities.

A few ideas:

Maintain the Walmart partnership- they are working in other cities to downsize their stores and increase the quality if their buildings.

Create a cohesive sidewalk network- every mode user is a pedestrian at some point in their day

Re-open the street network- such a large site begs for big box stores with large parking requirements. Reintegrating a street grid with moderate sized blocks creates parcel that are easier to develop and a more pleasant pedestrian environment

Consolidate the bus stops- four bus stops within a 1/4 mile radii  disperses people, funding, and possible amenities. Consolidated provides one spot for mode switch that can be greatly enhanced