What are Mobility Hubs?

Mobility Hubs are more than solely transportation transfer points. They are public spaces serving the area and community they are in. They are locations that serve to bring the city and create connections. There is daily activity and economic movement.

What do they look like? They are spots where multiple choices of transportation are available and ready to use for anyone who needs them. People can transfer from one mode of transportation to the next. The Hub is human scaled and prioritizes pedestrian activity. Because this is a public place, safety and accessibility are main factors to build this space. Furthermore, Mobility Hubs are spaces serving people and their communities.

Mobility Hubs are a part of people’s daily lives. People move around and use transportation of various forms daily. And as they move around there are icons and landmarks that make an impression as part of their day. A Mobility Hub will be an important landmark in the daily activities of people. Therefore, Mobility Hubs do much more than merely serve as transportation transfer points. They are areas people go to meet up with others. They should also serve as areas were people can speak up and be informed on local and community issues.

To enhance people’s quality of life, Mobility Hubs are attractive and engaging. Landscaping will add beauty and even buffers for pedestrians. Mobility Hubs include services such as retail, educational resources, and food.

Mobility Hubs will have a distinct look in each location. The factors that affect how each Mobility Hub functions and what services it provides include its location relative to housing, jobs and urban amenities. It also includes the culture and vision the community has. Mobility Hubs are public spaces of high daily movement to serve the area and community they are located.