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Loving Each and Every Curve

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In the time and place we live in today, we are constantly exposed to images of the “perfect” body. Often, the picture of a “perfect” woman is someone with a slender waist line, a thin face, and wears a size 2. The “perfect” man is someone muscular with not an ounce of fat. We all know that for the most part, these “perfect” bodies exist only on television; however, countless women and men still strive to achieve these “perfect” bodies every day.

It is extremely easy to give in to the hype that we see every day on TV, in movies, and sometimes in our day to day life. We are pressured by the idea that the “more perfect” you are, the happier your life will be. After all, doesn’t the pretty, thin girl always get the handsome guy in the movies? I am a firm believer that beauty and happiness should not be defined by outer appearance or the values of others. I know this may sound clichéd, but I really believe it. Although others may judge the way we look, we must not place so much weight on these judgments. We must first love and feel secure in ourselves, before we turn to someone else’s definition of beauty. Furthermore, beauty can be defined so many different ways that “perfect” doesn’t always equal beauty. This brings me to my point as illustrated in Georgia Me’s poem “Full Figure Potential.”

In this poem she talks about how it feels to be a full figured woman and the comments she has endured because of it. Through the poem, she realizes that she must love herself for who she is. I really find this poem uplifting. One particular line really stood out to me most: “Those who worship aesthetics live a pathetic life.” I recognize this in so many people I know. They have become so obsessed with their outer selves that dieting and being thin matter more than anything else and they no longer have any pleasures in their life.

The point I am trying to make is that it is important to love who you are and embrace every part of who you are inside and out. This will not only boost your self-esteem, but can also help you be healthier and happier.

1 thought on “Loving Each and Every Curve”

  1. What a wonderful blog! I had never heard of Georgia Me until you wrote this. She is awesome and I think more full figure women need to feel this way about themselves and people that think that being big is something like a sin because I think this will change peoples perceptions about the situation. I mean I will admit that being serverly overweight has health consequences, but most women who are considered fat are not in that category and for that reason I think people who are placing them in that category need to back off. I really liked watching her poetry reading and i think she is one of my new favorite artist.

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