All posts by Andrew Moore

Census Data Analysis of 66th Terrace through 70th Street

My area of data analysis rests around 66th Terrace and 70th Street, which is home to census tract 86, on the west side of Troost, and tract 87, on the eastern side of Troost. A common theme of both tracts is a steady decreasing total population from 1950 to 2000. Tract 86 in particular, had an especially drastic decline of 2,294 residents during this time. Tract 87, followed the same pattern though to a much lesser extent, and lost 215 residents from 1950 to 2000. Interestingly, from 2000 to 2010, the Tracts seem to “flip”. During this time, tract 86, saw a mild decline of 14 residents, compared to tract 87, on the east side of Troost, which saw a rapid decline of 470 residents. 

Another interesting thing I noticed; in 1950, when the black population of the western tract 86 outnumbered the eastern tract, 87 (a twist to where we are today), Troost Avenue still served as an economic and educational attainment dividing line. In 1950, the median income in the west tract was $6,855 and the median housing value $15,586, where in the east tract, the median income was $4,270, and the median housing value $9,790. Further, on the west side, 74.7% of the population over 25 completed high school or more, whereas on the East side, only 62.6% completed high school or more. Neat.