UMKC Non-Tenure-Track Unranked Part-time non-regular Adjunct faculty titles shall include (but are not limited to):
Part-Time Instructional Titles:
- 0103 Adjunct Instructor
- 0101 Adjunct Assistant Professor
- 0100 Adjunct Associate Professor
- 0102 Adjunct Professor
Part-Time Non-Instructional (Research) Titles include, but are not limited to:
- Research Assistant (Non-Exempt, paid hourly)
- Senior Research Assistant
- Research Associate (Non-Exempt, paid hourly)
- Senior Research Associate
- Scientist
- Fellow
- Visiting Scholar
- for a complete listing of Academic Teaching & Research Titles, visit:
Please note:
As of October 23, 2016, any Unranked NTT Non-Instructional Academic Appointment paid under the FLSA Salary Threshold (currently $47,476 annually) will be classified as Non-Exempt and paid on an hourly basis, timesheet required. The following academic positions are permanently classified as Non-Exempt regardless of pay rate: 4660 Grader, 5200 Intern, 5821 Library Specialist, 7620 Research Aide, 7640 Research Assistant, 7650 Research Associate, 9195 Theatre Assistant, and 9430 Tutor.
Teaching Appointment FTE:
The FTE matrix for all teaching appointments is very simple: average of 8% FTE (3.25 hours) for every credit hour taught per semester; the figure is 24% FTE for every 3 credit hours taught. This applies to Adjunct instructional titles.
Research/Non-Instructional FTE:
FTE for non-instructional/research positions is based upon the number of hours the employee is required to report to work in a 40-hour work week. FTE calculation: # hours required to work each week/ 40 = % FTE (for example, if an employee is required to report to work 10 hours per week, then 10/40=.25 or 25% FTE).
PART-TIME RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS CANNOT EXCEED 74% FTE [29 hours per week] ALL JOBS COMBINED (30+ hours or 75% is considered full-time employment).
Details Best Practices:
Part-time Unranked non-tenure track Adjunct faculty positions should be less than 75% and may be appointed either semester-by-semester or by academic year. These are non-benefit-eligible positions.
Minimum Qualifications Best Practices:
Determined by academic unit. Usually requires BA + significant years of industry experience, MA + teaching/industry experience, or PhD.
Hiring Authorization Form or Salary Increase Authorization Form required for each position and renewal of each position from semester to semester. Each academic unit will develop and document their own approval requirements which must be met by hiring managers prior to advertising part-time academic positions. Contact your unit’s Human Resources Facilitator for the required approvals prior to posting.
Please note that ALL academic positions must be listed in PS E-Recruit (except student titles).
Recruitment Best Practices:
Local and UMKC advertisement, focus on underrepresented populations preferred. Unit’s Affirmative Action Plan should be considered. No Search Committee required.
Appointment End Date = Last business day of appropriate month or expiration date of funding availability
Criminal Background Check: Required.
Employment Documentation: Required.
- Approved Hiring Authorization Form or Salary Increase Authorization Form
- Offer Letter (original, signed by both parties) AND/OR Appointment Notification Form (signed by supervisor and employee)
- Current CV
- Official Transcript of Highest Degree Earned *NOTE: Additional transcripts may be required by Chair to validate qualifications to teach specific course in order to meet HLC credentialing requirements
- Other Employment Documentation as required by Human Resources
Evaluation Best Practices:
When provided, written evaluation by supervisor should be discussed with employee and signed by both parties. [Updated 10/09/2017]
Renewal Best Practices:
Hiring Authorization Form or committee approval required for renewal of each position from semester to semester. Written notice of appointment renewal (offer letter or Appointment Notification Form) with effective date and end date must be signed by both supervisor and employee, and must accompany reappointment PAF prior to appointment effective date.
Non-Renewal Best Practices:
Part-time appointments are for the duration of the stated period in the offer letter or Appointment Notification Form; there is no implication of future appointment beyond the stated appointment period without written notice. Reappointment in future semesters or academic terms will be contingent upon any or all of the following: department need, course enrollment, funding availability and successful job performance. [Updated 10/09/2017]