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Rehiring Retired Faculty

Rehiring Retired Faculty

If the retired faculty member returns in a part time adjunct position, use a new or existing part-time position number to rehire the individual using the appropriate adjunct title for the duties being performed (CBC required).  If the faculty member has Emeritus status, add the appropriate Emeritus title to the adjunct PAF (Record #0) in the “Working Title” field (i.e.: “Adjunct Professor and Emeritus Professor”).  The Emeritus Courtesy appointment (Record #1) will remain active and run concurrent to the paid adjunct position (Record #0).

Please note that ALL academic positions must be processed through PS eRecruit (except student titles).

The following documentation is required for all rehired retirees, follow the procedures outlined on the Unranked NTT Part-Time Adjunct tab above):

  • Approved Hiring Authorization Form
  • PAF
  • Offer Letter (original, signed by both parties) AND/OR Appointment Notification Form (signed by supervisor and employee)
  • Current CV
  • Official Transcript of Highest Degree Earned *NOTE: Additional transcripts may be required by Chair to validate qualifications to teach specific course in order to meet HLC credentialing requirements (if not already on file in HR)
  • All rehired employees must undergo a current CBC investigation process
  • Other Employment Documentation as required by Human Resources

Emeritus Designation

Emeritus Designation will be recorded in PeopleSoft using a Courtesy Appointment PAF following Chancellor’s approval of Emeritus designation (follow the Emeritus Designation process outlined on Emeritus web page of the Faculty Affairs website).  Attach the Chancellor’s letter of Emeritus Approval to the Courtesy Appointment PAF.  List any Emeritus perks offered by department or unit (email, office space, etc.) in the “Comments” section of the Courtesy PAF.  Use the same EmplID on the Courtesy Appointment PAF, but indicate Record #1.  No end date is required; please terminate the emeritus courtesy appointment upon death, or by specific request, of the emeritus faculty member.

Olson Professorship

If a faculty member is rehired as an Olson Professor, create a new position for the Olson appointment and rehire the faculty member on a HIR/RFE PAF (CBC required).  Attach the Olson Professorship Offer Letter (signed by both parties) to the rehire PAF.  If the rehired faculty is designated as Emeritus, create a separate Courtesy PAF for the Emeritus Designation as described above (Record #1), but include the appropriate Emeritus title in the “Working Title” field of the rehire Olson Professorship PAF (Record #0).  All forms and policies related to the Olsom Professorship Process are available  on the Olson Professorship page of the Faculty Affairs website).


  • Only paid appointments should replace the retirement PAF Record #0; courtesy appointment (emeritus designation) should be Record #1.
  • Outlook draws title info from the “Working Title” field of paid appointments before courtesy appointments, which is why we add the Emeritus title designation to the “Working Title” of any paid rehire appointment PAF.  When the paid appointment is terminated, Outlook will automatically draw the title info from the Courtesy Appointment working title field, displaying the correct Emeritus title designation in Outlook from that point forward.