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Morgan’s Farewell Blog

Well, here we are. I am leaving the Women’s Center and going into the real world (scary). I have been working with the Women’s Center for a full year and still remember the excitement I felt when I got the email saying they were considering me for this position. It was my first zoom interview, and I was so confused about how to dress and whether to go casual because of Zoom or still go formal. I ended up doing formal and I think that helped me get the job. Along with the rest the staff of 2020/2021, I can say we had a unique experience with the Women’s Center working during a pandemic. It was different but still rewarding. And to be honest, I think we did well and stayed active during the trying times of the pandemic.

One thing I especially loved about working here was being able to create. I always knew I had a creative side to me, but I think the Women’s Center brought it out in me. I was able to create many projects while informing the community about women’s issues. A program called Afro Femme was one of the favorite contents I created. The program focused on using Instagram to educate the public about the history of Black feminists. Not only was I able to create but I learned a lot about these great women. I also enjoyed creating information for International Women’s Day. That event showed me what I can do under pressure to meet deadlines and it still came out well.  Besides creating content, I was able to learn from our other events. I recommend the Start Smart Negotiations Workshop for anyone looking for a job. It taught me what to do and where to go when it comes to your salary. I plan to use this knowledge for my first career job. Another informative event was the Who I Am: The Model Minority. I learned how model minority affects the Asian community and was able to listen to many stories about what it is like to be an Asian American, especially during Covid.

I know that working here has prepared me to work in the real world. I had never worked with an office staff and gained a lot of knowledge about how an office operates. I was able to learn email etiquette, which I think every school should provide a course to teach this valuable skill. I also learned how to execute an event in a professional setting and the standards it must fit. I am grateful for the Women’s Center, and I plan on continuing to get involved with organizations to serve my community.