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We Can Do Hard Things

by Jenna Gilio

Glennon Doyle is a best-selling author, activist, blogger, and founder of charity Together Rising. She is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister. She is a thinker, an ally, an inspirational speaker. Her words have touched the lives of so many of her readers and listeners. At the start of the pandemic, she released her third novel, titled Untamed. It was in this book that she coined the phrase, “We can do hard things.” This simple, but profound, phrase became the mantra and “rally cry,” as Glennon puts it, for millions of readers across the world.

Glennon recently announced some very exciting news. She and her sister, Amanda, have banded together to discuss and sort through various difficult topics in their new podcast titled, you guessed it, “We Can Do Hard Things.” So far, Glennon and Amanda have explored anxiety, boundaries, infidelity, fun, addiction, stress, and conflict. Glennon’s promise to her readers is this: “On ‘We Can Do Hard Things,’ my sister, Amanda, and I will do the only thing I’ve found that has ever made life easier: We will drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard. Each week we will bring our hard to you and we will ask you to bring your hard to us and we will do what we were all meant to do down here: Help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, more free and less alone.” I will be spending the next several weeks reporting my thoughts and findings to you as I listen to “We Can Do Hard Things” each Monday. If you are interested in joining my “pod-squad,” you can listen to “We Can Do Hard Things” through most podcast services, including Apple Podcasts, Audible, and Spotify.