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Walk Mile in Her Shoes Information Tables Coming Soon!

By Kacie Otto

This month, the Violence Prevention and Response Program has been busy gearing up for our awesome annual event, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: The International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence.

WAMWalk a Mile in Her Shoes® asks men to walk a mile in women’s high-heeled shoes. Walking in women’s shoes helps men better understand and appreciate women’s experiences, thus changing perspectives, helping improve gender relationships and decreasing the potential for violence.

You can find out more information and register online as a spectator or walker here:

To get the news out about the march, we’ll be hosting two information tables. Students can register for the walk at the tables. They’ll just need a credit card!

Tuesday, September 1; Monday, September 14

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Information Tables

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: Hospital Hill Health Sciences Building (Sept. 1), 2464 Charlotte Street; Miller Nichols Learning Center Lobby (Sept. 14), 800 E. 51st Street


We hope to see you there! There will also be interactive art projects at each table if you feel like a study break is in order.