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The “Smurfette Principle”

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By Maritza Gordillo

A friend of mine told me about this interesting video on YouTube called “#3 The Smurfette Principle.” I was curious to know what exactly this video was about, yet once I started listening to it, the “Smurfette Principle” started making sense.

Image From Google Images
Image From Google Images

According to TV Tropes, “The Smurfette Principle is the tendency for works of fiction to have exactly one female amongst an ensemble of male characters, in spite of the fact that roughly half of the human race is female, unless a show is purposefully aimed at a female viewing audience, the main characters will tend to be disproportionately male.” This is crazy when you start looking back at your childhood movies or TV shows and realize that you were unconsciously being fed the Smurfette principle and then realize that nothing has changed. As you continue watching the video she states clear examples using shows and movies like, The Muppet show, Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen , and of course The Smurfs. This video is great because it brings consciousness of how women are portrayed in popular culture such as being misrepresented and underrepresented. View this video and share it with friends to bring this to others’ attention and stand up for women’s equity.