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The Continued Fight for Gender Equality: A Reflection

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By Morgan Paul.

I was writing a journal assignment for class the other day and, as I was writing, I remembered a film I watched my junior year of high school in Women’s Studies: Iron Jawed Angels. As we continue to fight for gender equity, we cannot forget each battle that we have won.

When I took my high school Women’s Studies class I had no idea what I was getting into. I knew that women couldn’t always vote, but I did not know what a fight it truly was. I didn’t know about the hunger strikes and wrongful arrests. I didn’t know about the risks these women took and the women who actually opposed getting these basic rights.

It’s crazy how times change and history gets left in the past. I recall asking one of my history teachers why we never get the Native American perspective on the beginnings of the United States of America, or the African perspective on slavery; he told me “because the winners write history.” But if that’s true then shouldn’t the women’s suffrage movement be taught in every American History class? Unfortunately our male-dominated society made sure that didn’t happen. Women won, but we don’t write the history books. We have not won that battle yet.

If you need something to inspire you to continue fighting your own battles, or just a wonderful movie to watch, I suggest Iron Jawed Angels. This film is beautifully done and incredibly empowering.