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Toddlers and Tiaras

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By Patsy Campos


I was channel surfing the other day and stumbled on a beauty pageant show, which featured tyke-sized women, exuding diva attitudes. Upon closer inspection, I realized these were not grown women, but actually toddlers! I could not help but watch these living dolls make their stance and smile all the way to their ears. I know that drama on TV sells, which means that this is as extreme as it can get. The negative effects beauty pageants can cause a child are horrifying. Young girls are learning that the only way to be beautiful is through the use of makeup, artificial tanning, and eyebrow waxing.

In addition to promoting unhealthy body images, these girls are rewarded money for winning beauty pageants. According to the theory of classical conditioning, if the girls consistently learn that beauty is a means to financial gain, then eventually their morals and values will be distorted. Furthermore, they may adopt the belief that pageants and artificial beauty are the only way to make a substantial amount of money.

I believe in parents supporting their children through pageants but only if the child actually wants to participate and the parent limits the amount of makeup or accessories their child uses.  I do not support a dominating parent who makes pageants the most important part of their child’s life. I know that there are natural beauty pageants where cosmetics and negative attitudes are not prevalent. I admire the children who enter these pageants because every child should have a healthy self-esteem and feel positive about their natural looks. I love children and I love it when children are allowed to be children instead of promoting sensationalized shows like Toddlers and Tiaras, which can deprive a child of their innocence.