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Wal-Mart Makeup Targets Tweens

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By Devon White 

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Recently, Wal-Mart announced its upcoming line of anti-aging, eco-friendly makeup products called GeoGirl. GeoGirl’s chemical-free cosmetic line will hit Wal-Mart’s shelves soon and is targeted to the 8-12 year old, “tween” demographic. I feel that this style of marketing is a double-edged sword: it encourages consumerism and promotes a negative body image at an impressionable, young age. A blogger challenges the irony of GeoGirl’s promotion of eco-friendliness by creating legions of new consumers. 

Sure, some parents may find lip-gloss, body spray and nail polish acceptable forms of beauty expression for this age group, but what about blush, eye shadow and mascara? Apparently, promoting unattainable beauty standards to young girls for profit isn’t a concern for Wal-Mart. Ultimately, the decision should be made in a discussion between child and parent, but do you think 8-12 year olds should wear cosmetics?