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Throwback Thursday-

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With the already blooming talk of the next presidential candidates, let’s look back to an article written in 2008 during the presidential primary. Hillary Clinton was a top contender against Obama for the democratic nomination- but many contend that media based sexism killed her campaign.

As we gear up for another long and drawn out election fight that is likely to include female prospects- like Hillary Clinton- let’s start these discussions about the treatment of woman in politics- and the treatment of women in the media.

Every night, the news found new individuals to interview over whether or not this country was “ready for a woman president.” What does that even mean?

Jessica Wake of the Huffington Post took a stab at the incredulity of the media coverage during the Clinton Campaign in 2008- coverage that eventually prompted a law suit.

Further than Clinton, the coverage over Sarah Palin is also a clear indicator of the lack of the media’s ability to produce quality and equitable news.

At the very least- both Clinton and Palin helped show the American people women in politics, since apparently we have to get used to the idea.

Personally, I am gearing up for the nauseating sexism that will run rampant during the 2016 election. Where Facebook groups like- Hillary Clinton Stop Running For President and Make Me a Sandwich- gain nearly 50,000 followers- 20% who are women. I am gearing up for an election that will continually throw my sex into my face and question my ability to function as a human being because I have a vagina.

I am gearing up for America to show me how little we truly have progressed as a nation.

Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised- but I am not holding out hope.

Am I wrong? Have things changed?