The Buildup and Development of Galaxies throughout Cosmic History

Daniel McIntosh, Ph.D., Distinguished Associate Professor
Department of Astronomy and Physics
Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. – noon
March 31 and April 7, 14, and 21
UMKC Administrative Center, Plaza Room
$50 ($70 with parking permit)

This course will focus on understanding galaxies within the context of a brief introduction to cosmic history, from Big Bang to initial formation of basic atoms, to first stars, first galaxies and up to the present. We will explain basic tools used by astrophysicists, such as images, spectra and super computer simulations. This will lead us into understanding extragalactic research and several big physical processes and concepts, such as dark matter, dark energy, black holes, our cosmic origins, and a cosmic inventory of stars and galaxies.


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