Shakespeare’s The Tempest

Felicia Londré, Ph.D., Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emerita
UMKC Conservatory
Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. – noon
April 23 and 30 and May 7 and 14
UMKC Administrative Center, Plaza Room
$50 ($70 with parking permit)

Londré will focus on one of Shakespeare’s most intriguing and most performed plays, The Tempest. The course will place the play within the Shakespearean tradition and Elizabethan context and will also include discussion of the Oxfordian view of the authorship question, as both the plays and sonnets make much more sense if they are tied to the biography that fits them. And of course, the course sessions will dig into the text of The Tempest. In addition, will discuss the 400-year production history of The Tempest on stage.


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