Missouri Updates ELL Screening Process 2016-2017

As a part of federal requirements, districts are required to identify incoming students who qualify as English language learners (ELLs). Since the 2010-2011 academic year, Missouri districts have used the paper based W-APT screening assessment provided by WIDA.

With the move to online English proficiency testing, WIDA has also been working on an updated Online Screener – to replace the W-APT for grades 1-12. Originally, the screener was to be available prior to the start of the academic year, but the release date has been pushed back to an anticipated date of October 2016.

The W-APT Kindergarten screener will remain as is.

Implementation Schedule

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For more information about ELL Screening procedures, please reference the 2016-2017 ELL Screening Process guide, found on the DESE website at:


If you have questions please contact the assessment section at 573-751-3545 or assessment@dese.mo.gov.