Undergrad You

Tell us about you as an undergraduate student.

Did you live in a dorm?

Photo Credit: Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections. Parks College students relax in their dorm room in Holloran Hall (c. 1980s).

Did you visit office hours?

Photo Credit: Ohio University Libraries – Mah

Did you play sports?

Photo Credit: University of Massachusetts Archives. Field Hockey 1992.

Did you use dummy terminals?

Photo Credit: Duke University Archives. Duke Online Catalog, 1980s.

As the saying goes, the more things change, the more things stay the same.

We recognize that faculty are a significant resource for undergraduate students.

We thought it would be helpful to undergraduates to know a bit more about their faculty as undergraduates. Sometimes faculty-student mentorships happen naturally and sometimes they could use a boost. That is how Undergrad You began – where it goes from here is up to you.

Please take a few minutes, stroll down memory lane, and let students know what college was like for you. This fun survey can be completed in as little as 5 minutes, or, reasonably, about 15 minutes.