Faculty Affairs Newsletter

- AccessRoo: AccessibilityA new column where we talk about disability and share our thoughts on what we need access to as professors, researchers… Read more: AccessRoo: Accessibility
- An Interview with Travis Fields
- FLC: Transition from High School to CollegeFacilitated by Arthur “Gus” Jacob Want to connect with urban high school teachers to share insights and reflect on the transition from… Read more: FLC: Transition from High School to College
- FLC: Improving Student BelongingUnderserved and marginalized students may face unique difficulties (isolation, marginalization, discrimination, racism, ableism) that cause them to change majors early in… Read more: FLC: Improving Student Belonging
- FLC:Threshold Concepts for Writing Intensive Faculty This faculty learning community (FLC) will focus on (1) how and why faculty write differently… Read more: FLC:
- If I were a UMKC professor teaching online, I would….by Teri Orr, UMKC Undergraduate in French and Owner, Orr Marketing Consultant Services Create an on-line experience that is as good… Read more: If I were a UMKC professor teaching online, I would….
- Advice for Adding Active Zoom Sessions in Face-to-Face ClassesLast week we emailed and encouraged all of you who are scheduled to teach on campus this fall to confirm the… Read more: Advice for Adding Active Zoom Sessions in Face-to-Face Classes
- The 15-Minute MentorDo you have 15 minutes? Could you find 15 minutes a month to reach out to a student if you knew… Read more: The 15-Minute Mentor
- 5 Effective, Efficient Ways to Help Your Students SucceedAs we finalize preparations for a semester unlike any we have ever experienced, we want to highlight five strategies to consider… Read more: 5 Effective, Efficient Ways to Help Your Students Succeed
- The Long Summer IssueAs I have been walking each morning, I sense changes in the air and light that ordinarily make me want new… Read more: The Long Summer Issue
- Student Successby Kristi Holsinger, Ph.D., Interim Senior Vice Provost for Student Success I joined the Criminal Justice & Criminology faculty in 1999… Read more: Student Success
- Creative Works by African-American Writers: A Reading ListImaginative storytelling has the narrative power to build greater empathy within and among readers. In support of the African-American community in… Read more: Creative Works by African-American Writers: A Reading List
- Student Input on Spring SemesterThe Teaching Evaluation and Teaching Enhancement Task Force asked students and they told us how faculty communicated, offered support, continued to… Read more: Student Input on Spring Semester
- Taking Active Learning OnlineIn higher education, our first responders are the faculty. With a day (and a weekend … and spring break) you moved… Read more: Taking Active Learning Online
- Summer Professional LearningAs we prepare for fall, uncertainty brings with it many considerations. Faculty Affairs will help you navigate. PROFF Courses will provide… Read more: Summer Professional Learning
- We Did It!
- Early Results of Undergrad YouWith 25% of our hoped-for response rate, here are some preliminary results of Undergrad You. 48% identified as first generation 97%… Read more: Early Results of Undergrad You