
Because we want our patients to experience optimal oral health we recommend routine exams and cleanings to be done every six months.
During routine exams we can detect problems when they are small and very easy to treat, many times preventing costly, more involved treatments down the road.

Our routine visits also include education about how you can best care for your teeth and gums at home to keep them healthy. A well-executed at-home oral care routine is crucial to having a healthy mouth.

During a routine exam we check for any signs of decay, gum disease, cracked or leaking fillings, cracked, chipped or broken teeth, or sores, which may lead to serious problems if left untreated. We will also address any concerns you may have such as halitosis (bad breath), crooked or crowded teeth, and tooth or mouth pain.

One of the most important aspects of our routine exams is oral cancer screening. In this year alone approximately 43,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with oral cancer. When found early oral cancer has a very high survival rate, unfortunately most oral cancer is found as late stage cancer without routine exams.

Maintenance and prevention are the best ways to keep your smile healthy and you feeling your best!