The Racial Equity Funding Landscape in Kansas City

By Jeana Van Sickle Overwhelming demands for racial justice after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in 2020, generated a surge of commitments to dismantle racist practices in the public and private sector, including investing more in racial equity and racial justice initiatives. Floyd’s tragic death set against the backdrop of a global […]

Allyship Skills

By Shannon Peery Dozens of nonprofit professionals recently joined MCNL for a program introducing the tenets and practice of allyship. The session was the first of a four-part series facilitated by experienced DEIB consultants Ghadeer M. Garcia and Mark Logan of ALLY LAB, a program of Idealect. ALLY LAB’s programs focus on ‘behavior not belief’, […]

360-Degree Leadership for Nonprofit Professionals

By Shannon Peery This Nonprofit Navigation session explores 360-Degree Leadership, including practical tools about how to lead, wherever you are within your organization. It is presented by Dr. Brent Never, director of the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, We often think of leadership relating to the person at the top. But leadership occurs throughout organizations, […]

Why did we go to the office?

By Larry Wigger We humans love to argue; how we could have better navigated the exit from Afghanistan, to what degree the Mayor is succeeding in his personal campaign against potholes, whether the Kansas City Chief’s offensive line is now sufficiently deep to protect our precious Patrick Mahomes. In a different time, the debate du […]

New Hogan Family Scholarship Fund

New Hogan Family Scholarship Fund Seeks to Engage Students Traditionally Left Out Nate Hogan is on a mission. Immediately following graduation this summer, the Bloch Executive MBA alum launched a barrier-free scholarship fund. The Hogan Family Scholarship Fund is designed to engage students traditionally left out of funding opportunities because of test scores or grades. […]

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Mindfulness Can Help You at Work

Charles Murnieks, Ph.D. Entrepreneurship is Grueling Although entrepreneurship can be an exhilarating experience, it is often a stressful and exhausting one! In a recent study we conducted, the entrepreneurs we surveyed worked an average of 60 hours per week, and nearly a quarter of these worked well over 70 hours a week. That’s a lot […]

The Financial Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry

Dr. Nathan Mauck The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic are still unfolding, yet it is clear that economically no industry has felt the pain more than hospitality. In a forthcoming paper to be published in Research in International Business and Finance my Bloch colleagues (John Clark and Steve Pruitt) and I examine the financial impact […]

You can be part of $13 trillion in new value creation.

by Bryan Boots Artificial intelligence and machine learning aren’t going away. For business leaders, professionals, and non-technical founders of tech startups: knowing basics about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), how it works, and what it can and can’t do will be table stakes for success in business in coming years. The McKinsey Global […]

Journey to Leadership: Featuring Joni Wickham of Wickham-James Strategies & Solutions

In this episode, Gary O’Bannon, Executive-in-Residence at the Bloch School interviews Joni Wickham. Most people came to know Joni Wickham during her five-year stint as Chief of Staff for former Kansas City Mayor Sly James. Still more know her as the recent co-founder of Wickham-James Strategies & Solutions, a firm specializing in government relations, political […]

Journey to Leadership with Andy Rieger, President of Jacob Rieger Distillery Company

Andy Rieger, President of Jacob Rieger Distillery & Company, is the latest guest to appear on the Journey to Leadership Podcast hosted by Gary O’Bannon, Executive-in-Residence. During their talk, Andy describes how he and his business partner, Ryan Maybee, are navigating J-Rieger through the COVID-19 pandemic by creating new business ventures within the J-Rieger brand. […]

Bloch Idea Salon: Last Dance Series

The Bloch Idea Salon is a diverse community of intellectually curious individuals who enjoy engaging in interesting conversations on leadership, business, strategy, civic issues, and more. The salon was launched with a four part series on leadership using the Michael Jordan Documentary, The Last Dance, as a case study. The discussion was led by local […]

Journey to Leadership: 5th District Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II

Gary O’Bannon, Executive-in-Residence at the Henry W. Bloch School of Management recently applied his experience as a news reporter toward a new project: the Journey to Leadership podcast. In his most recent episode, Gary spoke with Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II. Congressman Cleaver is now in his seventh term representing Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District, which is […]

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Poverty, Race, and the COVID Crisis in Wyandotte County

By Patrick Sallee Health disparities are not a new concept, but the COVID crisis is shining a bright light on just how damaging these disparities are to communities of color. We are now seeing this play out, as public health officials anticipated, having a more substantial impact on low income and minority families, particularly Latino […]

Managing Virtual Teams

Gary O’Bannon With new emphasis on telecommuting comes a new reality: Teams need a strategy for communicating digitally, and leaders must adapt quickly to effectively manage their people and meetings remotely. The virtual world appears user-friendly on the surface but many have now discovered that even with great technology, it’s a world full of complexity, […]

Portrait of Brian Anderson

Three Things When Reading A Study

Dr. Brian Anderson We see a lot of studies in the media and in our organizations in normal circumstances. We are seeing even more now with the pandemic’s effect reverberating across the globe. Policy makers, executives, leaders—people—are relying on some of these studies to make decisions about their personal and professional activities as we navigate […]

Five Insights: Featuring Jean-Paul Chaurand

Five Insights is an interview series featuring Kansas City business and community leaders sharing their experience and perspectives on current issues. Jean-Paul Chaurand is the Executive Vice President of the H&R Block Foundation and the Marion and Henry Bloch Family Foundation. Prior to his work with the foundations, Jean-Paul was the Chief Operating Officer at […]

Re-Opening Pandora’s Box (safely this time)

By Larry Wigger While much is yet unknown about Covid-19, its transmission, potential immunity, or efficacy of treatments, the world’s energies are turning more and more to the business of re-starting economic engines.  Here in the U.S., our libertarian roots are showing, with public angst against any extended prohibitions on business and public activities.  What […]

Coping with Unemployment Stress during Uncertain Times

Gary O’Bannon The economic toll of the pandemic is evident with the record-shattering number of unemployment claims filed on both sides of our state line. And while the loss of a job causes obvious financial challenges, it brings with it a number of psychological challenges as well, leaving many with the question on how to […]

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Is the Supply Chain Broken?

By Anthony Vatterott A few weeks ago I wrote a small piece on the supply chain challenges during interruptions both natural and man-made.  If you recall, I stated that the food supply chain is relatively stable and safe from negative implications of larger supply chain interruptions because most of the food products we consume (dairy, […]

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3 Things to Watch in Supply Chains

By Larry Wigger It is nearly impossible to digest the latest coverage of Covid-19, without reading or hearing of severe supply chain disruptions.  Whether it is tales of toilet paper shortages at the grocer, delays in Amazon Prime deliveries, or critically low stock of ventilators and masks, everyone is painfully aware of gaps in supply […]

Business Interruption Insurance in the Age of Covid-19

By Don Dagenais A large number of businesses are now closed because of the sheltering orders resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, and a result there are enormous business losses being accumulated almost everywhere. Aside from cutting expenses and dipping into reserves to keep the basic bills paid, what can businesses do? One possibility is business […]

Being a Better Consumer of Data and Models

Dr. Brian Anderson Data and models are part of our daily life–now more than ever. But it can be challenging to evaluate how useful a model, particularly when different models of the same problem make very different predictions. In this session, Dr. Brian Anderson outlines three things to help you be a better consumer of […]

Making Digital Transformations Stick

Dr. Brian Anderson The closure of campus in response to the new coronavirus world forced innovation and creativity as Bloch worked to rapidly adapt our critical processes to a fully digital workflow. It is—for the most part—working, and for many processes far better than we would have imagined. We are seeing that the digitization often […]

You Got This

The Lessons that Tough Times Can Teach Us

By April Graham Every generation faces periods of chaos. Some are global, some are local, and all are tragic and disruptive in their own way. As we navigate the uncertainty brought about by the coronavirus, it is our responsibility to cultivate skills essential for the new normal. The past teaches us that these moments of […]

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Supply Chain Disruption

By Anthony Vatterott There is a lot we can learn from disruption.  In supply chains, the firms that correct disruptions quickest grow fastest.  The ones that wait for the supply chain to catch up will not survive.  There are plenty of stories from disruptions past that help us understand that much of what we are […]

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Leading During Tough Times

Dr. Ann M. Hackett During a recent EMBA class in HR and Leadership, we were discussing “Turnaround Leadership” by examining leaders from the early to mid-2000s, such as Alan Mulally at Ford and Anne Mulcahy at Xerox.  There is much to be learned from leaders who transform their companies during economic or organizational downturns, just […]

Portrait of Brian Anderson

What The %$!# Is Data Science?

Dr. Brian Anderson It’s certainly a buzzword—perhaps THE buzzword—from the C-Suite to the front line. The word conjures visions of dashboards, big data, and whiz-kid programmers and statisticians turning ones and zeros into insights and ideas that will unleash new strategies, productivity gains, and innovation. Except that’s not what data science is. Yes, applied statistics […]

Bloch Executive MBA Global Residency, Portugal 2019

April Graham The final semester of the UMKC Bloch Executive MBA includes a course on Global Perspectives in Management. This course concludes with a ten day residency abroad where students explore the business landscape in a specific country, reflect on how it resembles and differs from the United States, and what implications those differences have […]

A Different Way of Thinking

Jeanie Sell Latz, J.D. Over the past few decades many businesses have focused on the sole objective of creating shareholder value without always giving much thought to the reasoning behind this premise. It was often stated that managers had a legal duty to consider shareholders’ interests to the exclusion of other stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, and […]

No Strategy Time

Dan Stifter “Strategy is easy and execution is hard. “ Anyone not heard that before? Bueller? Couple more classics: “Strategy is about choices.” Hard to disagree with that one. “Do more with less.” If you haven’t heard or said this, well, hope you’re enjoying your trust fund. These all appear insightful, but none of them […]

Portrait of Brian Anderson

Three things I am doing to improve my writing

Dr. Brian Anderson This article resonated with me. It talks about the difference between what literary critics regard as preeminent American literature, and what Americans enjoy reading. Kirsch writes… Another way of putting it is that when Americans read, we mostly read for story, not for style. We want to know what happens next, and […]

Portrait of Brian Anderson

The Grand Theory of Entrepreneurship Fallacy

Dr. Brian Anderson Periodically, I have a conversation where the topic turns to entrepreneurship researcher’s inability to answer—with precision—why some ventures succeed, some fail, some become zombies, and some become unicorns. Similar conversations surround the topic of startup communities and clusters, and the role of research universities in supporting entrepreneurial ecosystems. Often someone bemoans that […]

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People are Not Problems to be Solved

by Dr. Nicole Price Many leaders are promoted to leadership because they are amazing problem solvers as individual contributors. In fact, when asked, no fewer than half of all leaders say that they are rewarded for problem solving even in their current roles. The challenge with this disposition to problem solving is that people are […]

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6 Tips to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to be aware of your own emotions and the emotions of others, then use the information to manage yourself to build strong relationships. While you need to be technically proficient at what you do — whether you are an architect, attorney, engineer or business executive — it’s your emotional […]

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Brain over Belly: Experiments for Decision Making

America’s leading companies have been moving away from decisions based on intuition and towards data for more than a decade. Amazon, Google, Netflix and Facebook are constantly running experiments in an effort to make better decisions. Experiments are no longer the sole domain of scientists in labs. Today’s leading enterprises employ and master the science […]