September 15-October 15, a time to recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans in Kansas City and all over the nation and to celebrate their heritage and culture. Here is a blast from the past depicting the annual Fiesta at the Guadalupe Center, 1954. This year’s Fiesta was held at the Barney Allis Plaza in September, a tradition that continues to enrich the cultural fabric of our diverse community.
LaBudde Special Collections is privileged to house Archives of the “MANA de Kansas City.” The organization was chartered in 1981 with the focus of creating community leaders, engaging them in community service and educating and involving the membership on public policy issues important to Latinas and their families. MANA de Kansas City’s Mission is to empower Latinas through leadership development, community service and advocacy. MANA also seeks to increase the opportunities and education of all Latinas. They are informed activists and a support system for their members.*
Source: MANA de Kansas City
Teresa Wilson Gipson, Library Information Specialist II, LaBudde Special Collections