Feb 17
Applications are now being accepted for our UMKC Friends of the Library $1,000 student scholarship. Here is the link to the posting describing the contest: http://library.umkc.edu/blog/news-blog/node/253.
This scholarship is available to any current UMKC student with a minimum 3.0 GPA, and currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree seeking program.
The winner will be selected based on their written response to the following question:
With the rapid proliferation of so many alternative information sources,
what role must the University Libraries play in higher, continuing, and community education?
*To apply, please submit the following to fol@umkc.edu – Deadline for entry is Friday, March 24th, 2017
- Your name, student ID, e-mail address, and phone number
- Please indicate your degree being sought, department, and expected graduation date
- 500-1000 word original point-of-view writing piece addressing the above question
For more information, please call 816-235-5828 or email for@umkc.edu
*The winner will be announced in April. Payout will be applied toward Fall 2017 & Spring 2018 tuition and fees. Applicants are advised that all materials become the property of UMKC Friends of the Library and the UMKC University Libraries upon submittal, and may be quoted in whole or in part for use of promoting UMKC Libraries.
Heather Morris | Sr. Executive Assistant | Miller Nichols Library
800 East 51st St.| Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 | http://library.umkc.edu/
p: 816-235-1730 | f: 816-333-5584 | morrish@umkc.edu