Oct 15
Dear Department Chair or Director of Graduate Studies,
My name is Gul A. Marshall. I am the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Sociology at University of Louisville. I am delighted to share with you the news that we are recruiting graduate students to our PhD program in applied sociology. Please take a look at the following information about the program and kindly distribute it to your students.
New and dynamic, the 64-hour-credit PhD program in applied sociology was established in 2010. It has 18 full-time faculty with rigorous research agendas and extensive teaching experience. The unique structure of the program with theoretical training and internship opportunity gives students the ability to use sociological methods and theories in applied settings.
The program provides funding in the form of teaching assistantships. There are also University fellowships given on a competitive basis. Furthermore, in an effort to attract out-of-state students, the University has started a competitive merit scholar award program for full time students not funded by the Sociology Department or the University. Out-of-State Merit Scholar Award is a competitive scholarship that allows outstanding out-of-state students to attend UofL at an in-state rate. For those seeking funding, the deadline to apply to the PhD program in applied sociology is January 5th for the fall semester and October 1st for the spring semester. Application deadlines for students not pursuing funding are June 1st for fall semester and November 1st for spring semester. We look forward to connecting with talented new applicants.
Please feel free to contact me if you or your students have further questions. University of Louisville PhD brochure 2015
Gul Aldikacti Marshall
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Sociology
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Phone: (502) 852-8027
Email: gul.marshall@louisville.edu