Feb 15
This annual event, sponsored by the Henry W. Bloch School of Management, encourages UMKC students from all disciplines to create ventures by presenting their ideas to business leaders and entrepreneurs in a multi-stage competition. The 1st place team receives a $15,000 team award, and all 16 semifinalist teams receive a minimum $1,000 team award!
This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your students’ entrepreneurial mindsets in addition to the skills they are already learning in the classroom.
The Regnier Venture Creation Challenge involves the following key milestones:
• February 2 – April 3: Team registration
• April 19: Business plan submission deadline
• May 1: Advancing teams compete in the elevator pitches and venture expo competition
• May 8: Advancing teams compete in the semifinalist and finalist presentations
For additional competition information, go to http://www.entrepreneurship.bloch.umkc.edu/ and look under Student Programs.